I bought several black plums over the weekend at a roadside stand on my way back from the lake to where we were staying. They were perfect,firm and had the most beautiful color. I couldn’t wait to use them!
Sometimes I forget until it’s too late,you know how that is. So this morning I made a huge mess of pancakes for the boys. I am taking requests these next few weeks until we go back to school ????
I sauteed these plums in a tablespoon of pure maple syrup and a pinch of cinnamon. Poured over a hot stack of pancakes is was more like a dessert really. We loved it. Having a nice long breakfast together was a great start to my day!
Somtimes I like to sautee plums in a few ounces of black tea or a hibiscus tea. Add a little sugar (very little….they don’t need much) cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom and that is a new twist on our favorite pancake and waffle topping.
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