
Help Feed Hoosier Families at Kroger with HATCH for Hunger #HATCHforHunger

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Help Feed Hoosier Families at Kroger with #HATCHforHunger

Posting in partnership with Hatch for Hunger. All opinions are my own.

There are a few social issues that I can honestly say I am passionate about. Food insecurity is one of them. This is not any one person’s problem. This is an every person problem. No one is immune from hunger and not having enough food to feed your family.

See how HATCH is helping feed Hoosier families HERE.


Right now when you shop at participating Kroger grocery stores in Indiana and buy a dozen medium eggs, HATCH for hunger will donate one egg to a local food bank. You may say- why one egg? Well,this adds up quickly. We are already hearing about how many this program has helped and they are just getting started!

Why is it medium eggs? It is not because Kroger needs to promote medium eggs, but rather there is only one brand and option of medium eggs at Kroger stores (unlike large and X-large eggs). This enables the HATCH partners to have clear data to measure the success of the pilot based on medium egg sales.

HATCH is all about helping undernourished people in central Indiana. Kroger, and other partners involved, do not make any premium off the HATCH eggs sold- rather the involved partners are simply hosting the HATCH process.


A few HATCH facts:

*HATCH is different than other approaches to hunger companies have tried in the past

*HATCH moves away from the traditional “one time donation” mindset, which provides

*HATCH is not dependent on one large corporation – but rather it is a collaborative

seasonal relief to those in need and not sustainably

*HATCH is driven by the consumer who can choose to make an impact with their purchase of eggs – the companies involved are simply a catalyst to give the consumer this choice to spend their money to buy a 13th egg to be donated approach that includes all needed parties to get eggs to food banks (grocer who sells the HATCH eggs, farmer who produces the extra eggs, and the food banks who distribute the donated eggs to those in need)

HATCH has the model of a one-egg per dozen during the pilot because:

*With 66 Kroger Stores selling eggs – that is a LOT of egg sales! One egg per dozen really adds up with a community involved in choosing to purchase medium eggs.

*The local farmer is confident that they can produce that quantity of extra eggs for donations

*The food banks are confident they can distribute that amount of donated eggs in a timely manner

The week of April 6 (before the press conference kick-off) Kroger sold 4,163 dozen medium eggs in 65 stores…that is 4,163 EXTRA eggs that got donated to food banks! Or in other words, approx. 349 dozen eggs donated before most people were made aware of the HATCH program.