
Most Effective Techniques To Get Healthy Hair Naturally

If you take a look in any beauty store you will find an array of products labeled as perfect to restore health to your hair. However, many of these are full of chemicals that will do as much harm as good. Of course, they will leave your hair looking fantastic at first. But, the truth will become obvious over time./Save yourself a lot of hassle by learning the most effective techniques to get healthy hair naturally. After all, no one wants a bad hair day or worse.

The Right Products

The bottom line is you need hair products in order to wash your hair, to prevent against heat damage when styling, and even to help avoid frizz. But, your choice of product makes a big difference. For example, when you choose products from the Redken range you know they will be designed to improve the health of your hair and that they don’t use any harsh chemicals. This is important as harsh chemicals damage the protective layer of your hair, this dehydrates the hair and makes it dry-looking. It also increases the likelihood of your hair breaking. Don’t forget that when using a conditioner, in most cases a drop is enough to get the desired effect. Conditioner should also be applied from the middle of your hair and worked toward your ends, it doesn’t need to go on your scalp.

Brush First

Hair is at its most vulnerable when it is wet. The wetness increases the likelihood of it being damaged. This is compounded when you brush your hair to remove tangles. The process increases the stress on your hair and the likeliness of damage. The good news is you can reduce the risk by simply brushing your hair before you wash it. This removes the tangles without damaging your hair.

Use A Hair Mask

Hair masks are applied to your hair and left in place for at least five minutes. During their time on your hair, they will rehydrate it and add any nutrients your hair needs. In other words, your hair won’t just look healthier, it actually will be.

Avoid Styling Tools

You probably already know this but heat styling tools dry your hair, increasing the risk of it being damaged. The best way to avoid this is not to use heat styling tools. If this isn’t an option then make sure the tools are turned down to their lowest setting. Your hair will thank you for it.


You may not realize it but being stressed affects every part of your body, including your hair. When you are stressed you produce the hormone cortisol which prepares your body to fight or flight. This is a good thing but it reduces the production of an array of other hormones. That includes ones that help your scalp and hair to stay healthy. To avoid this identify when you are most stressed and why. You can then avoid stressful scenes and learn breathing exercises to cope and reduce your stress levels.