
Helpful Tips on How to Achieve Success Working As a Busy Mompreneur

To set the record straight and clear the air, being a mother is a full-time job in itself, so to be able to handle all the responsibilities of being a mother, in addition to running your own business, just goes to show that you truly can have the best of both worlds, but it’s certainly not easy. While you’re planning client meetings for the next three days, you also have to keep in mind that you have your daughter’s piano recital to attend and your baby boy’s first soccer game too! So how does the mompreneur do it all? Well, for one, she doesn’t do it all by herself, and neither should you. If you’re a busy mother but also running a business or thinking of starting a business, it’s important that you enter the world of entrepreneurship with your eyes wide open. It’s not this glamorous lifestyle where you see a mother wearing a suit in high heels, holding her baby on her hip, and her cell phone in the other… The mompreneur lifestyle more so looks like a mom wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she’s handling business… There may be the occasional baby crying in the background and the entire house looking like a disaster from time to time but that’s what makes the life of a mompreneur realistic. In taking on this way of life and source of income, there are a few things you need to know.

Helpful Tips on Achieving Success As a Busy Mompreneur

It’s Okay to Seek Help

If you were to talk to any mompreneur, there’s probably not one that would say they were able to achieve success on their own. And you shouldn’t attempt to achieve success on your own either. Let’s say you have your own e-commerce business selling custom-made baby apparel but you don’t have the time to market your products… A solution would be to outsource your marketing needs to marketing experts, right? Of course! By outsourcing expert services, that doesn’t mean that you’re not a good enough businesswoman, nor does it mean that you’re losing control over your business… What that’s saying is that you’re a smart businesswoman. You not only have the option of seeking help with your business either. Help can come in the form of your mother watching your little ones for a few hours a week while you dedicate your full attention to running your business. The bottom line is that help comes in many forms and there’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it… it’s good for your business and your sanity!

Always Carve Out Time For the Things You Enjoy

One of the biggest mistakes mompreneurs make is neglecting themselves and letting their titles of mother and businesswoman consume them without ever getting back to themselves or doing the things they enjoy. In taking on the role of mompreneur, always make sure you get back to doing what you enjoy. If you enjoyed running for exercise or for fun, make sure you incorporated that back into your schedule, even if it’s just for a 30-minute lunch break. It’s important you do this because not doing so will eventually lead to resentment towards your family and your business.

Treat Your Business Like a Real Business

If you’re running your business from home, you have to treat it like it’s a real business with business hours, because it is a real business! Lots of mompreneurs tend to get a little lackadaisical with their business simply because they’re running it from their couch or in the bed. True enough, you have the freedom and ability to run your business from anywhere in your home but if you want your business to be respected, you first have to do so yourself. Creating a schedule, operating under business hours only, and working in a distraction-free environment are just a few of the ways to maximize your time like a real business. According to Business Insider, even getting up and getting dressed is a productivity hack to treat your business like a real business. The main point is that your business is what you make it and if you treat it like it’s a side hustle, then that’s the type of money you’ll bring in… if any at all.

Stop and Breathe

In the hustle and bustle of being a mom and running a business full-time, it’s important that you stop and take a moment to breathe. Being a mother is a beautiful thing and so is living your dream of becoming a business owner. You can indeed have the best of both of these worlds but it will take hard work and dedication from you, and you have all the makings to do it.