
Best Tips for Preparing Hurst Dried Beans

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Best Tips for Preparing Hurst’s Dried Beans

Dried beans are a simple staple in almost every American household pantry. I have gathered a few of the best tips for preparing Hurst’s dried beans in this post. Hurst Beans is an Indiana company and a household name. Dried beans are economical and the healthier option when it comes to beans and here are a few of my best tips to make your dried bean prep the most successful!

Best Tips for preparing Hurst dried beans

Watch my Best Tips for Preparing Hurst’s Dried Beans HERE

Once you have bought your Hurst dried beans follow these tips to prepare them!

Store beans in a cool, dry place.

Sort dried beans to remove any potential natural debris

Rinse beans in a colander with cool water

Soak dried beans in a large bowl of water, make sure water is at least 2 inches over beans.

Beans double in size so be sure that water is always 2 inches above bean level

Always soak beans using this ratio: 1 part beans to 3 parts water 

Don’t add salt or flavorings to the soaking beans

Allow to soak overnight or for 8 hours in a cool, dry place

Drain, rinse and cook in your favorite recipe!

I hope this post helped you prepare your Hurst dried beans!

Please leave your best tips in the comments below.

Watch my best tips on preparing Hurst’s dried beans video HERE