
Save Money on Halloween at Meijer

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Save Money on Halloween at Meijer!

Love it or leave it, if you have children or enjoy a good scare, you probably celebrate Halloween in some way or another. Today I am sharing a few of my go-to tips on how to save money on Halloween at Meijer so you and your little ghouls can be off and on your way to getting ALL the candy worry free! I read recently that Americans spend on average $75 a person on Halloween. That’s an average spent for costumes, classroom activities, candy, decor and more. I for one thought that was nuts. When the boys were small I bought them a new costumer every year that fit what they were into at the time. I now am the proud owner of a collection including but not limited to: Buzz Lightyear, Woody, A puppy, a lion, a bumble bee, Superman, Iron Man, the Grim Reaper, A ninja and who knows what else.

A bit of Darth Vader circa 2011

We bought the costumes and always loaded up the boys to trick-or-treat at my parents house. Their neighborhood is where I grew up doing the same thing so it’s only fitting that I walked with my sons on this memorable route. But in my 16+ years of being a parent and 19+ years as being a homeowner- I have never handed out candy. Ever. I also hardly decorate outdoors. Side note: I am not a gifted decorator so that may be why. Plus, my sons have never seemed interested in me decking the halls with spider webs and zombie decor. We are wild and crazy like that. So maybe it’s on purpose or even by default, but I have managed to remain unscathed in the battle not to overspend during this holiday. I practice a few tips on how to save money on Halloween and so far it has worked for me!

I am a big fan of using natures decorations!

I have partnered up with my favorite local grocery store Meijer to share my tips on how to save money on Halloween. Please share YOUR tips and tricks below in the comments!


First: check your mperks app! You may have personal rewards you could be earning. That is where I get my biggest savings for just buying what I normally do!

Bulk or larger bags

Smaller bags

AKA the fun stuff

Not to mention the great sales on meats! Hello- you need the FREE mPerks app!

Serve plain old every day food on fun paper plates for a bit of Halloween trickery!

Save money on decorations you can use for more than 1 year.

Please share YOUR tips and tricks to save money on Halloween below in the comments! A few more places to find/follow Meijer: @Meijer on Twitter Meijer on Facebook Meijer Stores on Pinterest @MeijerStores on Instagram This post is part of a monthly series brought to you by Meijer  to share the savings you can experience in their store and online. Like all posts on all opinions are my own and the thoughts therein were created solely by me to educate and hopefully inspire!