
Gathering~ A Mother’s Day Event at The Green Nursery in Bloomington, Indiana

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Gathering is a one-day pop up shop dedicated to showcasing local and regional handmade artists in a boutique environment. Held quarterly, this May 4th event is hosted by the premiere in Bloomington mama and baby authority; The Green Nursery (located at 509 E. Hillside Dr). A dozen Hoosier artists will have their one-of-a-kind handmade art and craft available for sale, as well as the amazing inventory stocked by The Green Nursery. Also on site and provided by Gathering are two kids’ craft tables where kids can make their mama a one of kind special springtime gift to take home with them, complete with card and packaging.

Kid-centered artists include Indy-based Imagination Kids with Waldorf inspired wooden toys and Art 2 the Extreme with recycled crayons that come in funky shapes and sizes. And for all those mamas out there, mom-centered artists include handmade soap from Bloomington based Soapy Soap Company, story-filled animal prints from Sally Harmless, and personalized family tree jewelry from Megan Martin Artisan.

Keep in touch with Gathering on their Facebook page and mailing list to find out about their next event in August, and a big announcement in November! Their blog will keep you in touch with the many respected artists who will be present at the event.

Contact with any questions.

Gathering :a handmade boutique

The Green Nursery

123 Hillside Dr

Bloomington, Indiana 47403

May 4th, 2013, 10a-3p.

Gathering on Facebook

Get more information on their Facebook event page~ RSVP here!