
Closing the first day of 2011…How to Be Positive in Life

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As I am putting my kids to bed and cleaning up the dinner dishes I am reminded of my New Years resolution.  Be positive…look for the good in all things.  It’s there.  I just have to WANT to find it.
Reminding myself of how to be positive in life is a hard mindset to maintain.  I (and many mothers) get caught up in the daily conundrum : give my kids what they need vs. time for myself.  I look for ways to connect with them, stay involved in the day to day of their lives while at the same time triend to scrape out a little time for “me”.  After 12 years of being a mother I sometimes forget who I am or rather, who I was.
Some people throw themselves into a hobby.  Knitting, painting, scrapbooking….I choose to cook.  I like to think of cooking recipes as a means to an end.  Now, I don’t just mean whipping up some Hamburger Helper between swim practice and Zumba, I mean researching the perfect recipe, tweaking it to be my own and making magic with the LG.