
Hop on the Hershey Bunny Trail

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I have distinct memories of the Easter holiday growing up.  Granted many of them revolve around chocolate, pretty dresses and getting up before the sun rose, but they are good memories nonetheless.

I remember egg hunts at my grandmothers house

Handmade Easter baskets full of goodies

Pretty dresses

And still liking hard boiled eggs (yuck)

I remember my parents making the day a memorable one from making sure we looked our best to adding the little touches to our Easter baskets like our favorite treats.  I even scored a tune of Wet n Wild nail polish one year ????

The main item of my fascination as a child was the chocolate bunny.  Eat the ears? Eat the tail? Where do you begin?

As a mother now I am happy to continue this tradition of gifting great chocolate memories to my own sons.  Hershey’s makes this easy with their selection of  ‘what I liked when I was little‘.

Don’t think for a MINUTE that I shared that bunny!

I want to thank Hershey’s for sending me a basket of my favorites this year, just in time for the special day!

Where is the Easter Bunnies head?