
When You Are Feeling Down…

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The upward climb

I always say that when we have a free weekend I will spend time doing things that help me to relax while home, something I am not good at doing.  There is always something that needs to be cleaned, a recipe to try, a post that needs to be typed.  Everywhere I look there is something to add to my never ending list.

Give me a high five if you are the same way…I KNOW I am not alone here.

I hear my friends talk about naps, watching whole seasons of their favorite shows on Netflix, reading-books! I admit this makes me jealous.

I only have myself to blame.  I set about to have 60,000 side jobs on top of my day job and being a wife and mother.  I did this, and I love what I do.  But sometimes I wish I had a whole day with absolutely nothing to do.

Enter the stomach virus.

I will not share the gory details of what happened from Friday night-Sunday morning but trust me when I say it was awful, disgusting and heinous.

The good part is that no one in my house seems to be sick (yet) so for that I am thankful. Bonus: every cleanable surface in my house is gleaming.  Everyone in my house was gone for a majority of this saga so when I had a burst of energy Saturday evening I cleaned.

What being sick taught me: I needed rest.  My body was broken down and needed a reboot via gastrointestinal distress.  I haven’t slept so much and so deeply since before I had kids.  There may be a reason for that.

In the last several months I have put everyone’s health before my own.  Shoving vitamins, smoothies and veggies down my kids throats in the name of ‘staying healthy’ and in the meantime I have fallen off the soda wagon.  The real stuff.  Coke. My weakness.  What do you think turning a blind eye to my own nutrition has done to me?  Weakened my already half-assed immune system.  Not just the Coke but also the sweets that I sneak here and there, conveniently forgetting to read labels, blah, blah. You get the point.

So I have learned a lesson here.  While I may not be able to protect myself from invisible germs out there, I can take better care of myself.  I am the master of my domain here, no one else.

Plus, every time I get sick my kids start worrying.  They ask a million questions, treat me like I am going to break and I don’t like to see them like that.  Plus, imagine how scary it is to wake up suddenly from a deep sleep to find your husband is checking to see if you are breathing and if you have  a pulse!  Yes, he did that.  I am sad that he thought he should.

So, my body knew I needed rest.  Too bad I had to learn it the hard way.  I did get to sleep 46 out of 48 straight hours.

Be jealous ????