
Tell is Like it is Tuesday

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I love that I have a forum in which to speak, share and communicate with my friends and family.  It’s cathartic and I recommend this, or at the very least journaling, for all of you.  It helps to get it all out on paper.

It is not in my nature to be a firestarter, a troublemaker or a pot stirrer.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not a doormat, but I do not seek out trouble either.  I am also not very good at calling others out when they do something that hits below the belt, so to speak.  Even though this is my site and I own it~ I will never be at the level where I feel that I can be 100% authentic when it comes to sharing how I think and feel.  There are many outside factors to consider.

This is a publicly viewed site.

I have a family and home to protect.

I represent businesses who have entrusted their brand and name in my care through both this site and through ATKS Radio.

I have a “day job” that requires that I show a modicum of privacy, and I respect that.

But some days I really want to let off some steam.  To shine a light on something that needs to be addressed.

So since I am really not in a position to do that I thought I would share my feelings in a series of kitchy-cliches and quotes.  Feel free to leave a few of your own in the comments, I want YOU to tell me like it is ????

So NOW you are interested….

I’ll show YOU relevant….

And this matters to whom exactly….

Get your own ideas….

There is NO easy button….

Where where you 3 years ago….

I actually DO have something to say….

Give without expecting anything in return….

Be your true self….

Don’t rain on my parade….

Be genuinely happy for me….

Do you even KNOW why you are angry….

Find your happy place….

Decide what to be and go be it….

Don’t be a hater….

Dream it-Do it….

What are YOU waiting for….