
Tell it Like it is Tuesday!

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Tell it Like it is Tuesday

Every week it seems like I have something I need to know, a product I am looking for-plain old advice. I pose this question on my Facebook page and usually at lunchtime.  I am sitting there, all alone at my desk eating leftovers.  It seems like a good time to ‘chat around the social water cooler’ so to speak.  I have polled you all on the best non-sticky lipglosses, best place to eat in this town or that, what kind of chocolate you prefer…..And BAM! The idea hit me that maybe we ALL need an outlet for our opinion.  Maybe you don’t want to share in on my Facebook page. I mean, when you comment all of your friends see it.  Maybe YOU need a place to vent, share your new favorite thing, complain about your kids or brag about a great deal you scored online.

Well folks-That’s where Tell it Like it is Tuesday’s comes in.  Every Tuesday I will pose a question and YOU will answer in the comments.

So to get us started this week I want to know what YOU recommend for hair that has the following issues:

Thin, dry due to coloring, fine, and oily scalp.  What would YOU do to treat this through the winter? What products do YOU recommend? I am open to anything except dry shampoo! This girl washes her hair every day ????

So I am ready for your input and opinions.  I thought I would start us off with a small one.  Just WAIT until next weeks!