
So Easy…A Caveman Could Do It….

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This recipe is so easy I am almost embarrassed to call it a recipe.  Quick and easy, you can have this in the crock pot in minutes.  Seconds if you are super speedy!

I have made this for company before, especially if I am feeding a lot of people.  It never fails that I get many requests for this recipe. Once I tell them what is is  I get a few “No, really..what is the recipe” “That’s it…that’s all?” comments.  This dish is zesty and slightly spicy. Perfect for most palates!

Yes…a store bought wheat bun. This meal is about convenience.  I bought canned stock, canned chili’s, pre-made buns and sliced Provolone cheese. My family loves it, so will yours!

Well, folks…that IS all.  I take a large beef roast or large pork loin roast, put it in the crock pot, add 1 can of chicken broth (for the pork) or beef (well…duh! For the beef) and 1-2 cans of diced green chili’s.  Add 1 can for a smaller roast and 2 for a larger.  That’s is.  Cook on low for 8 hours and then shred with a fork in the pot.  Put it on a bun with a slice of Provolone cheese and BAM!  Dinner is served.  This is also great on a tortilla with a little queso fresca cheese and a dollop of salsa verde.

Now if you ever make this for company…let them think you sweated over the prep.  They don’t need to know you didn’t ????