
We Need Just a Few Weeks More….

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You know how it is…you get used to a new routine and them before you know it you have to change it again.  That’s the way summer break seems when you are a kid.  I told my kids a few weeks ago we had X amount of days left until school starts and they both said “no! We just got out of school”!  Dramatic as ever, they immediately started dreading the return of school.  But didn’t we all?  August has always been my least favorite month.  I don’t know when this will pass.  Here I am on Sunday night typing this up and even I have butterflies about tomorrow.

I pretty much wrapped up all of our preparations early last week for school just so we could enjoy these last sweet days of break with no stress and no rushing. We saw a movie, went to the fair, played board games and just hung out together.

One thing my kids always want to do in the warmer (and sometimes not so warm) is build a large fire (we build it :)in our fire pit and make smores.  One likes his burned to a crisp and the other likes his lightly browned.  I am somewhere in between.

Sunset at my house…hard to see the sky here for all of the trees!

We all sit together, listen to the night sounds and just talk.  Sometimes we hear the coyotes or a screech owl.  Let me tell you, the first time we heard one in the woods behind our house the boys and I ran into the garage!  It sounded just like a woman was screaming off in the distance.  Even the dogs were spooked!

Our new take on S’mores came about when I ran out of graham crackers.  I thought my husband got them…he thought I had them…you know how that goes.  What I DID have was a dozen or so cookies that were a little stale but still pretty tasty.  I brought them out, tried one and a new favorite was born.  It is very hard to go back to regular graham crackers after you try it with a cookie!

These were mine ????  And YES…I made the cookies!  I use my standard recipe (well, thanks to Toll House I do)

There is no real recipe here.  We mostly use chocolate chip cookies because we all love chocolate so much and it just isn’t a S’more without chocolate ????  My personal favorite is to use 1 peanut butter cookie and 1 CC cookie.  Talk about good ????

So next time you have a gathering of friends over and you want to give them a real treat…try my twist on the classic S’more!  You will love it as much as we do ????

At the firepit