
A Little R&R is Good For Us

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I hate to brag…but I love a little R&R… I spent the entire time my kids were at school today on this great chaise lounge in my sitting room.  It was a beautiful day, the sun was reflecting off of my semi-frozen pond and the squirrels were running from tree to tree.  I did this because it was really the only position I could be in and NOT be in pain.  Not excruciating pain but I would give it a 6 on a 1 to 10 scale.

The problem with all of this blissed out relaxation is that I have somehow become programmed over the years to feel “guilty” when I am home and not doing something.  I should be cleaning something, doing something with the Boys, cooking….just something.  Not reading for an hour until I fell asleep for 3 hours.  I have just become sooo used to having something to do that I don’t know what to do when I can’t.

One of the many little lessons 2010 has taught me is to let go of these little things and take time to catch up with…well…myself.  I am fairly confident if I asked most Moms (well most Parents for that matter) they would say the same thing.  We all need more time.  To do whatever we love…or just even really like.  In the next few months I NEED to have more fun with my kids, more fun with my husband, more laughing…definitely less worrying. 

I also need to get reacquainted with the gym…we have been on a break.  We need to get back together.  But that’s a story for another time.